IPEM Law Academy (NAAC Accredited) affiliated to Chaudhary Charan Singh University, Meerut and approved by the Bar Council of India, offering LLB (3 years) and B.A. LL.B (5 Years) Courses.
IPEM Law Academy is organizing the 3rd Dr. B.S. Goel Memorial National Virtual Moot Court Competition on 28th and 29th August 2022.
This Competition would serve as an intellectually stimulating experience for all the participants and would harness skills like drafting, critical thinking, and argumentative skills of a student. This Competition would give a student the opportunity to make the best out of these pandemic times and help students to improve their research abilities because it is based on their research that they will be arguing their case and defending their side, as well as constructing a good memorial on which the opposing team will raise objections and rebut them. This can also help them to improve their skills in adapting to sudden situations and dealing with uncomfortable scenarios.
Attractive Cash Prizes will be given to the Winners of the Competition, also every registered participant will be given an E-Certificate of Participation.
- The Competition is open to all students, enrolled bonafide on a regular basis in an undergraduate Law course (5 years integrated Law course / 3 Year L.L.B Course) or its equivalent conducted by any recognized Institution/College/University of any country.
- A maximum of 3 teams from each recognized Institution/College/University is permitted to register.
- Each Team shall comprise of three members; the third member of the team shall be designated as a Researcher.
- Any additional member, faculty member, team coach, or a designated observer of any team shall not formally be recognized and will be allowed to join the video-conferencing or chat room during the session.
All submissions and screenshots of transactions are to be e-mailed at <ipemmoot@ipemgzb.ac.in>
Rules and Regulations along with the Brochure of the event are enclosed herein for reference.
- The Registration fee shall be Rs. 2000/- (Rupees Two Thousand only) for each participating team of 3 members (Two Speakers & one Researcher). No additional member shall be permitted.
- Each team shall complete the registration within the stipulated time.
- Fee once paid is non-refundable.
- The registration is a two-step process comprising of filling up the registration form and payment of the registration fee as provided in Rule 7.
- Registration will be open till (11.59 P. M. IST). The Initial Registration can be via google form https://forms.gle/NaHJJiAhmwGcYhmCA
- For payment, you can scan the QR Code present in the Brochure on page no.7
- Registration of a participant will complete only upon the payment of registration fees (Rs. 2000/-).
For any further details regarding the competition, please contact:
Name: Ms. Akriti Daksh
Designation: Assistant Professor (Law)
Email: akriti.daksh@ipemgzb.ac.in
Contact: 9910482891
Name: Ms. Devshree Chauhan
Designation: Assistant Professor (Law)
Email: devshree.chauhan@ipemgzb.ac.in
Contact: 8447700450
Name: Ms. Ritu Paul
Designation: Assistant Professor (Law)
Email: ritu.paul@ipemgzb.ac.in
Contact: 9315506454
Last Date of Registration: 29th July 2022 (Registration Fee – Rs. 2000/-)
Registration Link: https://forms.gle/NaHJJiAhmwGcYhmCA
Website: www.law.ipemgzb.ac.in/
Date: 28th and 29th August, 2022
- The Winner and the Runner-up shall be awarded a cash prize.
- The Winning Team shall be awarded a cash prize of 11000/-INR along with E-Certificates.
- The Runner-ups Team shall be awarded a cash prize of 7000/-INR along with E-Certificates.
- The Best Speaker shall be awarded a cash prize of 4000/-INR along with E-Certificate.
- The Best Written Submission (Memorial) shall be awarded a cash prize of 2500/-INR along with E-Certificates.
- The Best Researcher shall be awarded a cash prize of 2500/-INR along with E-Certificate.
- All the participants shall be awarded E-certificates
Bank transaction details will be asked on call from the winners for transferring the winning amount.
The detailed invitation and the Brochure are attached with this mail.
Thanks & Regards
Organising Committee
3rd Dr. B.S. Goel Memorial National Virtual Moot Court Competition 2022
- Start Date:August 28, 2022
- Start Time:10:00
- End Date:August 29, 2022
- End Time:05:00
- Number of Participants:Law Students
- Location:IPEM Law Academy
- Website:https://law.ipemgzb.ac.in/events/