IPEM Law Academy organized a session on Women’s Health Issues on 31st May 2022 (Tuesday). Dr. Madhu Gupta who is the head of the trust Beautiful Tomorrow Trust, which is working for women’s wellness and Dr. Vani Rawat, a Gynecologist and member of Beautiful Tomorrow Trust were the resource person for this session.
The session gave awareness of the advantage of using organic periods pads and menstrual cups. All the doubts about using menstrual cups were cleared. The body changes during adolescence, sexual orientation and sexual hygiene were deeply explained. It also focused on removing taboos that exist in the mind of everyone.
- Start Date:May 31, 2022
- Start Time:10:00
- End Date:May 31, 2022
- End Time:01:00
- Number of Participants:10
- Location:12
- Website:https://law.ipemgzb.ac.in/events/