Debate Competition on “WINNING IN DIGITAL AGE” on 15TH September 2019
IPEM Law Academy – Communication Club organized a Debate Competition on the topic “Winning in Digital Age” held on 15th September 2019.
Details about the Activity:
- Activity & Topic : Debate Competition on “ Winning in Digital Age”- For/ Against.
- Date: 15th September 2019.
- Venue: G2 Hall
- Time Duration: 2:30- 3:30 pm (one hour)
- Language: Hindi/ English
- Team Criteria: Minimum 2 teams from each semester of LL.B and BA.LL.B will participate.
- Rules & Judgement Criteria:
- Content should be Relevant, Meaningful, and No Repetition of sentences.
- Proper understanding and explanation of the topic.
- Modulation in Voice.
- The debate must only be in AGAINST or in FAVOR of the topic given.
- The data, index, numbers, digits must have practical reality (not fake), if used.
- Timings – Min. 4 minutes & Max. 6 minutes.
Event Highlights
- Start Date:September 15, 2019
- Start Time:02:30
- End Date:September 15, 2019
- End Time:03:30
- Number of Participants:12
- Location:G2 Hall, IPEM Law Academy
- Website:https://law.ipemgzb.ac.in/events