IPEM Law Academy organized an internal legal case analysis competition on 24th March 2022. First- students were told about what will be the case for Internal Legal Case Analysis Competition, what is the purpose of the Internal Legal Case analysis Competition, and what will be the outcome of the Internal Legal Case analysis Competition, Participation was made comprising of 23 students of BALLB and LLB. A Case named Aruna Shanbhagh vs Union of India AIR 2011 was shared with them and they were supposed to analyze the case on their own as already decided by Supreme Court. Students have done some research also as they refer to case laws related to the case which has been given to them.
This activity enhanced their research skills and their analyzing power to take out the actual inference of any instance.
Event Screenshots
- Start Date:March 24, 2022
- Start Time:01:00
- End Date:March 24, 2022
- End Time:03:00
- Number of Participants:23
- Location:IPEM Law Academy
- Website:https://law.ipemgzb.ac.in/events/