Activity Title
Keyboard Tricks
Purpose and Objectives
The purpose of this competition was to judge and evaluate the typing skills of students. This competition helped students to improve their typing knowledge, accuracy, word per minute and skills.
Computer Application Club
Category and Number of Participants
A total of 60 students from all the departments of the IPEM Group of institutions.
Promotional Material Prepared
Posters were shared on WhatsApp and Email.
- Only individual participants will be allowed
- A total of 30 minutes were to complete the task
- There were two rounds, bases for result analysis are word per minute (WPM) and accuracy.
- The platform will be typingtest.com
Conduct Methodology
- The Keyboard Trick competition activity was online.
- Students with the fastest and most accurate typing skills shall be declared as the winners.
- Respective faculty have given suggestions for further Improvement.
Outcomes and Objectives Achieved
- Firstly, students learned the basics of typing skills.
- This activity will help them to develop an understanding and knowledge about typing.
- Students need to improve their typing skills.
- Accuracy and speed in typing are still at the novice level.
Recommendation for Future Improvements
We need to encourage more to our students for better performance.
Activity Snaps
- Start Date:September 21, 2022
- Start Time:14:15
- End Date:September 21, 2022
- End Time:15:30
- Location:IPEM Law Academy
- Website:https://law.ipemgzb.ac.in/events/