Yoga Awareness Program
IPEM Law Academy has celebrated Yoga Day on 21st June 2019 at IPEM Law Campus.
Ms. Anupama Singh, Power Yoga Instructor, shared her personal experiences and her journey towards healthy, harmonious living on the basis of Yoga and Meditation. She stated that Power Yoga enhances stamina, flexibility, posture and mental focus.
A documentary on the Origin, Benefits and Potential of Yoga interlaced with the motivational glimpses was prepared and presented by the Students of IPEM Law Academy.
A Presentation on the importance of yoga was given by Mr. Deepanshu Paliwal, Assistant Professor. According to him Yoga is a discipline that must be followed lifelong and it is vital for the good health of people.
Mr. Shashank Chaudhary, Associate Professor, stated that Meditation is the essence of Yoga through which individuals can experience the union of individual consciousness with universal consciousness.
Activity Snaps

- Start Date:June 21, 2019
- Start Time:09:00
- End Date:June 21, 2019
- End Time:11:30
- Number of Participants:50
- Location:IPEM Law Campus
- Website: